Dancing with peace
Nuestra Señora Santa María del Buen Ayre, literally Our Lady St. Mary of the Good Wind is the original name of the capital of Argentina, well known under the name of Buenos Aires, reminding that the port city is one that winds of Africa and Europe have come to build. With its 2.78 million square meters, Argentina includes names that make you dream:
Patagonia, Qhapaq Ñan, Quebrada de Humahuaca, its Río Grande valley and the high Andes, etc. At the heart of its flag shines El Sol de Mayo, the Sun of May, inspired in the Inca god of the Sun with 32 rays. Argentina is a young democracy, its motto is “In union and freedom”…
Argentinian heritage linked to Peace, listed as World Heritage by UNESCO
Tango, symbol of communication between peoples, often between two lovers, finds its origin in the underprivileged districts of Argentina and Uruguay, marriage of cultures at the same time Afro-American and European. Tango is above all a dance and music of the people. Its practitioners like to remind it. Other remarkable heritage: the Cueva de las Manos, literally Cave of the Hands, in the province of Santa Cruz.
When it is weak, the hand is capable of taking a weapon, but when it shows greatness, it can greet, gather, encourage and seek harmony between Human and Nature, and invite it to dance…
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