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Presentation file

PEACE / PEACE 2018/2019 the Pilot season

France Télévisions in partnership with UNESCO are initiating for the first time jointly an international creativity contest on the theme of peace on the occasion of the International Day of Peace, celebrated every 21st of September. The aim of the competition is to educate young students to peace through dialogue and the promotion of cultural diversity.

The 3 lines of the competition for the 2018/2019 edition are DRAWING PEACE, PHOTOGRAPHERING PEACE, FILMING PEACE  https://concours-paix.francetveducation.fr/edition-2018-2019/concours/

A project conceived and imagined by Nadia Bédar [France Televisions] and Eric Falt [UNESCO]
France education tv direction: Amel Cogard

Project Team : Teams from UNESCO and National Delegations and Commissions to UNESCO from France, Argentina, Belgium, Benin, Canada, India, Lebanon and Poland. France Télévisions: Amel Cogard, Nadia Bédar, Nelly Lefebvre, Isabelle Dupré, Carole Pujol, Emmanuel Lemoine, Sébastien Fagniez with the external contribution (technical and graphic) of Jean-Baptiste Louvet and Olivier Stern.

Contacts at France Télévisions: paix.peace.leconcours@francetv.fr
Contacts at Unesco: a.arrou@unesco.org


The press kit will be available soon